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Playing with my thoughts



Everybody has got that special thing that makes them unique, people may tend to seem really alike but there is always that special differenceFor example, there’sthat thing you might do so well or might not be so good at that just makes you who you are, we have different characters, talents, point of views... that, makes us stand out.

Nobody’s talent is superior to another, when you view from an angle of equilibrium, you see that we all equal, what then, makes you stanout is your ability to make positivity out of your talent.

How do you know your talent: it’s really easy for certain people to discover their talents, while for others it takes a miracle?

Tips to discovering ones talent

Access yourself totally: take life free tests, try check mating your performance in different aspects of your life, have an all check, be opened to new things, seize opportunities that can help you define yourself, find your talent, explore yourself.

Find your comfort zone: what makes you comfortable, what do you find peace doing? , It can be something you are not good at but find passion and love doing. It could be drawing, singing, dancing, writing or whatsoever, that thing you seem to enjoy or feel comfortable at doing, but you might not be good ator you might find a bit difficult. It could be your talents, practice, make researches on ways to perfect it, work hard, and get the tricks around it.

What do you love doing: certain people just find this joy and satisfaction doing certain things, and most times thy are really good at it, it might not be all the time, it could be just when you are in the mood for it, it could be cooking, playing around with kids, cracking jokes, those things you feel might be silly but you enjoy doing even though not all the time, notice it, put more interest into it, discover new ways around it.

Some people actually deny their talent because they are not perfect in such aspects, so they tend to ignore it, having a talent doesn’t mean you start up perfectly, you need practice, having a talent doesn’t even mean you are to be good at it. It could be something you love doing, but you are not good at it, you need constant practice, concentration and passion.

Ask around:  ask your friends and people around you, what they feel you are good at, ask then of our qualities, people really close to you, might say the same thing, it’s enlightening to have different people see you from the same point view, in the same light;it’s a very good indicator of your talent.

Ask about your childhood: ask your family and really close relations, people you go way back with, what your childhood was like, what you loved doing as a kid, ask them for anything they made you drop doing, see how much of your childhood you can recreate in your adult hood by following your sense of play, recreation of your talent gives your brain a chance to play.

Write: try writing, let your thoughts and emotion out into a few pages on a regular, during your leisure time, conscious writing can be very helpful in aiding you discover your talent, come back and review your writing you will find your thoughts circling back to one man idea.

Ask your self-questions:  what am I missing? What am I longing for? What am I good at? What am I scared of? What opportunities do I keep wishing for?  Create a list of your strength and a list of opportunities you have and the ones you wish you have then, beforesetting new goals

Check out other people: being inspired by the talent of others could aid you realize yours, too. Like being a writer and reading a piece or an article that actually connects to your soul. Most times you could see talents in others and get jealous, it’s very normal you could also use it as an advantage, reaching out and seeing talents in others will open you to connections and opportunities and also define your own.

View your books/movies/music collections:  what we consume says a lot about what we value, and what we own says more, go through your collections, what is the one idea? It could be something that lights up your fire, try connecting with others who enjoy the same thing as you, and go ahead with your talented self.

Things people have been grateful to you for: when people thank us for something, they have actually helped in a way. Try noticing what people thank you for on a regular. Probably you are a good listener, a good motivator, a problem solver, a teacher, an idea giver, all these are talent even though they seem small and ordinary, explore them.

Accept changes: as we grow/age our taste and strength changes. Don’t be a retard by telling your-self the same story over and over again, like saying I can’t be an athlete because I didn’t do sports in high school, or I can’t sing cause I was once laughed at in middle school, give yourself  a current chance to identify new talents.

Talent mustn’t be something you are good at, it could just be something you love doing, or something you have been ignoring, probably something you find silly. Be opened to change, honestly absorb the world around you, being open will lead you to discover new talents and help prepare you to tackle challenges in your life. It won’t be easy, you won’t just wake up and be great at it, you don’t just walk into success, it will take time, I will take training, it will take you to challenge yourself, and constant practice will aid you in developing your talent.

Quote If you do not take chances to turn your life now, chances are          could live the same routine for the rest of your life.



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