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Playing with my thoughts


A reminder

If you have a dream you have to protect it.

When people can’t do something themselves; they want to tell you, you can’t do it,

If you want something; go get it,

Talents and skills you have naturally needs to be developed and you can only develop them by hours and hours of beating you to your crafts,

You need to be ready and able at any moment to sacrifice what you are, for what you are to become,

Until you get to that point when all you want to do is be successful as bad as you want to breathe; then you will be successful.

Most of you, want to be successful but you don’t want it bad, you don’t want it stressful, you do not want to work for it, you just kind of want it.

Most of us love sleep, more than we love success,

You can choose to sleep or choose to work hard till you can sleep and nothing dictates when you sleep, how you sleep, were you sleep or when you wake,

Werever you are now; its not late, you can redirect, reset, fight your way back and climb out of hell, one inch at a time.

Its not going to be easy; but do not Ouit



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