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Playing with my thoughts


Why must I be broken

With every person walking around the world is a different mindset, a different perspective, a different ability and a different goal.

No day goes by, without a person getting hurt from an action, said words, unsaid words, unmet expectation or an unfulfilled promise. On a daily basis tons of people walk into people’s lives and few tend to actually get accommodated in those people’s lives while the rest leave broken, hardened, changed and few fulfilled.

We miss the detail of, what is this person’s perspective, how does he or she think, why did he leave his or her previous relationship, what is his or her goal?  . Having an idea of this, tells what you’re going in for, it gets you ready for what you should expect, and it gives you an idea whether you should do this or not. Not everybody walks into a person’s life with the intensions of hurting that person, some people act based on their state of mindset they might have been hurt or treated wrong, it might just be their perspective or idea of treating people.


Almost everybody takes the back door ones it seems to not be going fine, most people now see giving up as an option, persons are barley ready to build and stay; they want it all rosy, all perfect.

• Do you know that the more unsuccessful relationships you get in and out of the less your chances of being a good partner and the lesser your chances of sticking to a person.


For a relationship to work you need to set your mind to it, love is never enough for a relationship just as seasons change it blooms and  waxes cold, they are times when tolerance is needed, commitment, truth,  compromise, trust, forgiveness, romance, understanding and selflessness is needed.

• My dad always said nothing good comes easy, if it’s easy it’s not worth it



  •   Tips to a successful relationship

state your goals: you look out the window or you taking a walk, she pretty, he cute, you both get to start talking, having lunch, going out together, now at this point when you both are getting to know each other better or ratter the early stage of the relationship, state your aims, your plans, goals what you want to achieve, what you really want from that person whether it’s just the romance or just for fun or you want something real. It’s really helpful it tells you whether or not this person is really serious, it gives you a good view of that person and what you should expect.  






TELL STORIES FROM EACH OTHETRS PAST: Now hearing stories from that persons past gives you a view of that person, what you’re to expect, what your to do and not to, hearing a past relationship story will give you an idea of what this person is like, how good or bad this persons love life is, whether or not you would be a part of that person’s life or not.

State your likes and dislikes: State your likes and dislikes, that way the person knows what to and what not to do, those little silly things that could piss you off, state them, it makes you understand whether you should or shouldn’t, here you get to know if you both think alike, or his that person that would hate a thing you love doing and not tolerate your love for it, if you can tolerate his or her likes and dislikes or maybe you shouldn’t bother.

Don’t expect too much: When you both get talking its not assurance of that person being your type ,expect less and watch till you know that person better aside the oral views, expectation will get you insecure and probably hurt when they are not meet, just take it slowly and step by step.

• One of my favorite quotes is plan for the best, but be ready for the worse.


Try suiting your craving, don’t get settling for less or available, and have that unsatisfaction that might make you look outside your partner, or expect more from him or her.

• I came across this joke, a person said “teach her how to be that which you want” then somebody commented “how do you teach a person to have a huge ass”. It got me, but at the same time there are tons of curvy girls with huge ass why go for a stress a size 10 and make her feel less of herself just to suit your cravings.


Relationship is basically a chapter of every person’s life sooner or later, be ready, you’re walking into the life of a total stranger a total different person with his or her own mindset, you need to tolerate, you need to be selfless, you need to endure, it not going to be all rosy it’s not going be all smooth, Rome wasn’t built in a day, there is dignity with being with a person till you get to that point when you realize that you can’t be with anybody else.

Don’t Let people cloud your mind with wrong perspectives, understand your partner, drop certain wrong behaviors do not cover or sugar coat your wrong behind zodiac signs, stories and quotes from the internet or social media, say sorry when you should be, it’s nobody’s duty to be more tolerant, energy is needed from both sides and mostly be truthful to each other, also learn to express your selves, state that idea, state that complain, make that compliment.

Do not be moved or carried away by other relationships and goals, be your selves and create your own story.

Do not force things, you can’t force your idea on a person who is not willing to understand, you can only teach a person and that person has to be willing, you can tolerate but to an extent but don’t be fooled, do not take endurance as a factor to be maltreated, if its toxic leave, take a break, complain, voice out, your partner should know their wrong and when they are overstepping their boundaries.




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