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Playing with my thoughts

 Playing with my thoughts

What is love

GOD is love

Love is patience, truth, endurance, peace, trust, commitment, tolerance, beauty, contentment, selflessness, compromise, loyalty, consistency, stability

Love is that feeling you don’t seem to understand, that reflects happiness, the smiles, longing to be around a person, those thoughts you cant seem to control, the peace, that urge to want to try new things, that fear that comes with being away from a person, the emptiness,that feeling when everything’s right, when you get disconnected from the word on a regular in thoughts, imaginations or by the presence of that person, when you do not have to worry about tomorrow or yesterday, when everything seems to be in place, the safety.

You know that feeling you get sometimes that you might not understand, the fear of what happens if this doesn’t work out, if he leaves, what if she gets tired tomorrow or begging’s to want more, what if am not enough, what if am the only one feeling this way, I don’t want this to end, I am not certain I can leave without you, that understanding that no one else gives, the free comfort around that person, the significant rapport with a person, the freedom to express yourself, the power to change, the ability to impact in a person’s life, the first person you think of when an idea pops up in your head, that person you want to share that latest story with, the first person you trust when there is an issue.

• Honestly no one can tell if I’ll last forever. Knowyour goals, short term and long term. Just leave in the moment.

Speaking of love, what comes into your mind when the word love is mentioned?

Romance: this kind of love commonly exist amongst couples, intimate friends, the boyfriend and girlfriend relationships and the likes… this relationship is usually based on passion and sexual attraction.

Platonic: this kind of love is what exists amongst every individual who aren’t enemies, it’s the simplest form of love in our society, the regular greetings to your elders, and the simple care for one another

Best friends: this love can exists between two people or more, it involves fondness, understanding, tolerance and deep affection. This comes with a person or group youre free to share anything with this involves information’s and issues, you tend to hang out with him or her as often as possible, were you go to for solution and understanding, it goes deeper than physical connection, and value, trust, vulnerability…

Logical: this is a practical feeling that exists based on financial goals, shared ideas, religions, values etc.

Possessive: this form of love can be seen as toxic, it involves jealousy and obsession. Most importantly, your partner has your back, here loyalty is the most important value, and here the relationship is seen as you and your partner against the world.

Playful: here you both seem evoked by flirtation and felling challenged. While dating you search for enjoyment over passion. The relationship is sometimes dramatic; it involves friendly games and competitions.

Unselfish: if you are selfless then you define love as kindness, tolerance, care and sacrifice, here love means putting your partner first, forgoing your individual Identity to become a great team. It simply means caring about your partners happiness than you do to your own.

• Sometimes distances, spaces and absence is necessary to know a persons worth and role in your life.

There are different types of love:

Philia: Affectionate love. This love is without romantic attraction

Storage; familiar love

Eros: romantic love

Ludus: playful love

Mania: obsessive love

Philautia: self-love

Agape: selfless love

• Love can be stress, sometimes you’re like “I really love you but how much more can I take”, it is having to cope with a total stranger who becomes a great part of your life. It is total responsibility, its involves dropping your ego, letting your guard down, misunderstanding, worries, pain, argument, spaces.. Till you get there. 

Love also exists in different forms:

New love: this love is the strongest, it is when the love is new, it’s so fun, and you both are still intrigued by each other.

Routine love: here the relationship has been ongoing for a while, but you both still love each other

Infatuation: this involves loving the idea of a person, being intrigued by the persons character, model of talking, appearance Etc.

Friend love: when you love a person as a friend, and even if you try to be more it’s just not there.

Fake love: this love is usually being forced, it’s usually put up when you want something from a person and you know that person is sort of into you, or when you see innocence in a person and you intend to exploit the idea of that person.

Love exists in different ways, forms, manners and types. If also depends on personality and perspectives,love is very beautiful, when you look at a person and you smile, you just can’t explain it, but you are happy, when everything seems in place, and you just know someone has your back, some one understands and someone really cares.

• Do not exploit a person due to the knowledge of their feelings.




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